Library hosts nationally recognized genealogist

Are you one of the more than 26 million people who have taken an at-home DNA test? Do you need help understanding the results or are you wondering if you will discover unexpected information about your family by taking a test? Learn more about DNA testing and the implications involved from a nationally recognized genealogist during a full-day workshop at the Peters Township Public Library.

The library, its Roots Genealogy Club, and Citizens Library of Washington, PA will host DNA 101: Testing, Results, Health Reports, and More on Saturday, October 26 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Peters Township Public Library. Registration is now closed . There will be no registrations offered at the door.

Topics to be covered by Ms. Bergheimer will include:

·         Genealogical DNA Testing for Beginners

·         Understanding Your DNA Results

·         A Case Study: A Mystery First Cousin

·         Understanding Your DNA Health Reports

·         Tools for the Genetic Genealogist

·         Reliability, Ethics, and Privacy in the DNA Age

Kelli Bergheimer is a writer, teacher, editor, and national genealogical speaker. Kelli holds a Bachelor’s in Biology, a Master’s in Education: Curriculum and Instruction, and a Master’s in Business Management. Kelli is a math and science supervising editor for Smart Education—a K-12 textbook company located in Dubai writing textbooks for the MENA region—Middle East Northern Africa. Kelli runs two small businesses—Geo-Centric Learning and Mess on the Desk, a genealogical organization company with an accompanying blog, YouTube channel, and online store. Kelli is the Central Ohio DNA Interest Group facilitator. She is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists, International Society of Genetic Genealogists, and the Genealogical Speaker’s Guild.

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