Adult Programs Survey Results

adult programs survey results fall 2021

In October 2021, we emailed our newsletter subscribers four questions to help us plan programs for adults in 2022.

Our survey identified four essential points that help us address the needs and wants of the community:
● Who is interested in adult programs?
● How do people want to participate in programs?
● When are people available for programs?
● What kind of programs are of interest?

We received 215 responses and are excited to share what we learned.

Graphic of survey responses from 2021 program survey showing age, preferred time, format, and types of programs.


Your responses will help us plan and react to the needs and interests of the community. Furthermore, we can continue to provide programs that align with the PA Forward Literacies: Basic Literacy, Information Literacy, Civic & Social Literacy, Health Literacy, and Financial Literacy. For example, the survey responses revealed that you are interested in Physical Health. Knowing this, we can leverage our community partners and continue to have programs like Medicare 101 (11.17.21), upcoming Nutrition Myths (12.9.21), and add new classes and events to the mix.

If you responded to the survey, you may receive follow-up emails from our staff as we continue to explore your responses and share programs that may interest you.

Didn’t see the survey? You can sign up for our e-newsletter and select the kind of updates you would like to receive.

Do you want to present a program at PTPL? Read our program policies and fill out a program proposal to share your ideas.

If you have any questions or want to know more about programs at PTPL, please get in touch with Sydney Krawiec, Program & Outreach Coordinator. You can reach her via email at or call 724-941-9430 ext. 3260.