Library News

Library News

There's Always Something Happening!

Stay in touch and up-to-date with everything that's going on in the Library. Need more info or have questions? We'd love to hear from you! Click here to contact us.

We always have a section in the Peters Township InCommunity Magazine. Click here to see more!

Sports Magic Show

Come see a magic show like no other! On Saturday, July 16 from 2-3 pm at the library, Gregory Bracco will dazzle us with his performance. He has created a special show for all ages to tie in with our “On Your Mark, Get Set…Read!” Summer Reading theme that will feature sports trivia, Olympic events,…


FREE Resume Help

A recent article at the Money and Career CheatSheet web site details the 6 skills that might cost you your dream job if they are not included on your resume: Social skills Problem solving Communication Technical proficiency Organization Prioritization To help you make sure you’ve got all these point covered AND put together an amazing cover letter,…


This Week @ PTPL July 5-9

Get a glimpse of what we have in store for you this week! For more details about the programs listed in this slide show, visit the Events Calendar page on this web site.


The 3 R’s Book Club

Attention Teachers! School is out, but reading is IN! Are you looking for exciting titles to share with your students next year? Then this book club is for you! Teachers of all grade levels and homeschool educators are invited to join Dr. Nancy Hobbs and Myra R. Oleynik to discuss and recommend new or favorite…


Our pollinator garden!

Our pollinators have arrived!  Take a look at our pollinator garden the next time you visit the library.  The garden is located outside in the grassy area on your left before you enter our main doors. We’ve added lots of new flowering plants this year and are beginning to welcome bees, butterflies and other winged…


Tour de Fleece on July 9

Each summer cyclists gather to conquer the Tour de France, a three week adventure of dedication, challenges and achieving personal and team goals. Another group of spinners gather in person and in online forums to do the same, but these wheels don’t power bicycles. For the over 7,400 participants of last year’s Tour de Fleece,…


Our WAGGIN Network to Participate in World’s Largest Digital Book Club

The WAGGIN Network has announced that it will take part in the Big Library Read, the world’s largest Digital Book Club through public libraries that connects millions of readers around the world with the same eBook at the same time. If you’ve never downloaded an e-book, stop in and we can show you what to…


72nd D-Day Anniversary Exhibit coming to PT Library

The Peters Township Public Library and Memorial Park Post 764 VFW are partnering to host a 72nd D-Day Anniversary in Normandy Exhibit at the library on Monday, June 6 from 6:30-8:45 p.m. The exhibit will be in the Meeting Room on the first floor. All are invited to visit this unique display created in honor…


15th Annual Taste of the Township to benefit PT Library

Residents of Peters Township are invited to support their award-winning local library at the Taste of the Township on Friday, April 29 from 7:00 – 11:00 p.m. at Valley Brook Country Club in McMurray. Proceeds will benefit the Peters Township Public Library. Tickets are available at the library’s circulation desk for $50 per person in cash, credit…


2016 Annual Report

2016 Annual Report PDF


2015 Annual Report

2015 Annual Report PDF


2014 Annual Report

2014 Annual Report PDF