U.S. Army War College Officers Discuss Security Challenges

Thursday, February 8 630 pm @PTPL

The Peters Township Public Library will welcome senior officers from the U.S. Army War College for a panel discussion on Security Challenges at Home & Abroad. The officers will appear in person at the library on Thursday, February 8, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. A question-and-answer session will follow the presentation.

Register at ptlib.org/awc24 to reserve your seat for this program.

This is the 18th consecutive year the library has hosted a panel discussion with officers from the U.S. Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. This presentation is part of the Eisenhower Series College Program with the U.S. Army War College. Seating is available in the lobby and around the second-floor rotunda.

Featured speakers for the program include:

Mr. Christopher Sandrolini is a career Foreign Service Officer with the United States Department of State and will serve as the moderator for the discussion.

Colonel Seana M. Jardin is an Army Human Resources Officer with 24 years of service. An air defense PATRIOT missile officer who later transitioned to the Human Resources career field, she has led a variety of organizations across her career and has deployed to Saudi Arabia, Korea, Kuwait, and Iraq. COL Jardin holds an undergraduate degree in psychology from the College of William and Mary and a master’s degree in management and leadership from Webster University. Her last assignment was as the Staff Director for the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services, providing advice on women’s policy to the Secretary of Defense. She is married and has three dogs.

Lieutenant Colonel Luis F. Peral is a U.S. Army Reserve Judge Advocate and a federal prosecutor on the civilian side. With over 23 years of combined military and prosecutorial experience, LTC Peral’s diverse assignments and work experience include that of a commander; Resident Legal Advisor, U.S. Embassy Honduras; Lead for the Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Forces; and Attorney Advisor for the Office of Intelligence. LTC Peral holds a Master of Science in Strategic Intelligence from the National Defense Intelligence College, a Juris Doctorate from Temple University, a B.A. in Political Theory from Florida International University, and a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Juilliard School.

Lieutenant Colonel William Phillips of the Arkansas National Guard enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1991 and rose to the rank of Staff Sergeant. Twelve years later, he completed Officer Candidate School and became a Second Lieutenant in the Infantry. LTC Phillips has held multiple leadership roles, including Congressional Affairs Contact Officer, commanding a 700-person battalion, and State Public Affairs Officer for the Arkansas National Guard. Will is a 2019 summa cum laude graduate from the University of Charleston, West Virginia, with a Master of Science in Strategy. He is the father of six kids and lives in Little Rock, Arkansas, with his wife, Tracie, where he contributes to several civic organizations focused on elementary education.

Lieutenant Colonel Christina Taylor of the Idaho Army National Guard was commissioned in 2002 as a Medical Service Corps Officer. LTC Taylor held a wide variety of leadership assignments in the National Guard, including commanding a Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team and a Brigade Support Battalion with over 400 personnel. She earned a bachelor’s from the University of Idaho while in the Reserve Officer Training Corps and a master’s in leadership from Central Michigan University. She is currently working on a Master of Strategic Studies at the United States War College. Taylor lives in Boise, Idaho, and enjoys mentoring at-risk youth.

Peters Township Public Library is a GOLD STAR Library, which is part of the Pennsylvania Library Association PA Forward initiative. Libraries can give citizens of all ages the knowledge and skills they need to improve their lives, to contribute effectively in their communities, and to participate in civil discourse.

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