2024 Tween and Teen Writing Contest Winners Announced

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The Youth Services Department held its second annual Tween and Teen Writing Contest this spring, capped with a reception honoring all participants on May 7 at the library.

This year’s theme challenged writers to explore the word “hidden.” From hidden identities to secret agents, from hidden worlds to secret crushes, the 12 teens and nine tweens entering the contest addressed the theme in a variety of creative ways. Judges–including library staff, published authors, and Peters Township Library Foundation members–scored entries based creativity, technique and theme.

Over 50 participants, family members and friends gathered at the May 7th reception for prizes, refreshments and the announcement of winners. The top two winners in each category read an excerpt of their entries at the reception and received gift baskets.

Plans are in the works for a third annual writing contest in 2025.

Select the writer’s name below to read their entry.  

Grand-prize winner: Dora Liu
Runner-up: Andrew Bricker

Grand-prize winner: Eleanor Gorman
Runner-up: Hannah Crnkovich
Runner-up: Gloria Patts

Tween Participants:
Cecelia Borsani
Gemma Clark
Vijval Satheesh Kumar
Gabriella Lamb
Alaina Petrovich
Amelia Sharker

Teen Participants:
Ella Clapp
Claire Henry
Ari Nakao
Autumn Prisk
Ella Prisk 
Elivia Shaffer