April is Citizen Science Month! Peters Township Public Library is participating in a special citizen science project that is viewing clouds from above and below.
Help NASA by observing clouds and logging your observations using a free and easy-to-use app on a smartphone or tablet – photograph clouds, record sky observations, and compare them with NASA satellite images. Watch this short video that shows you how to get started!
Come to the library the week of April 12 to 17 to pick up your free Citizen Science Cloud Kit from the display upstairs near the Reference Desk. These kits have materials and information for citizen scientists of all ages.
Meet Sydney at the picnic tables outside the library at 10 a.m. on Monday, April 12 to learn how you can help NASA track clouds. Bring your phone or tablet and download the GLOBE Observer App to get started. Participants will also receive our Citizen Science Cloud Kit with more information about clouds. If it rains, we will plan for Tuesday, April 13, 10 to 10:30 a.m.
Citizen science engages volunteers in the collection and analysis of data relating to the natural world, typically as part of a collaborative project with professional scientists. Through the GLOBE Observer app, citizen scientists of all ages can learn more about clouds and participate in NASA science. Formal training in science is not required to participate and citizen scientists of all ages are welcome.
Want to learn more about GLOBE Observer and Clouds?
For more information about this project, visit The Globe Program.
More resources:
Cloud Activities for younger learners
Cloud-related books and videos