Click here to view available seeds
January 9, 2024:
The PTPL Seed Library is officially open! There are currently a few varieties available, and more will come over the next few weeks as volunteers and staff ramp up efforts to ready seeds. You can view available seeds from home through the link above or by CLICKING HERE. Please note there is no longer a signout sheet this year. Simply find your seeds, and take them home. If you have any questions or want to volunteer to count seeds and label envelopes, email Sydney.
Related Programs
Check back here for information about gardening and growing programs. Please complete a Program Proposal Form if you can speak and share gardening expertise!
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Past Programs Recordings
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- What is a seed library?
A seed library serves to distribute seeds for free in the community. Thanks to donations and funding from the Peters Township Public Library Foundation, we can offer this opportunity to the PT community. Seed libraries help reduce seed waste by repacking seeds into smaller quantities and providing information about successfully growing your seeds. - What seeds are available?
Various fruit, vegetable, herb, and pollinator flowers are available. You can scan through the binder of seed packets to see what is currently available. - How do I check out seeds?
We ask that you take a maximum of 10 seed packets weekly. After you select your seeds, you can find them in the labeled drawers. You will sign them out by filling out the date, and your initials, confirming you have a library card, and writing what seeds you are taking. - What if I don’t see the seeds that I want?
If you have a recommendation or other feedback, please leave a note on the sign-out sheet. - I checked out seeds, but what do I do next?
Seed packets have some basic planting information, and we have some brochures that also cover the basics. Different plants and varieties require very different care. We strongly encourage you to review the provided information in the binder and search online to find more information from the seed provider. - How can I donate seeds?
You can donate seeds by completing a seed donation form and dropping your seeds off at the front desk. Unopened seeds in their original package do not need a form completed. Please note that the state has certain criteria that must be met to redistribute seeds. - What other gardening resources does the library have?
In addition to books and magazines about gardening and plants, there are also several Great Courses and Gale Courses that can help you learn more. We have programs throughout the year to support you as well.