Our pollinators have arrived! Take a look at our pollinator garden the next time you visit the library. The garden is located outside in the grassy area on your left before you enter our main doors. We’ve added lots of new flowering plants this year and are beginning to welcome bees, butterflies and other winged friends. If you’d like to learn more about this special type of garden, you will want to read The bee-friendly garden : design an abundant, flower-filled yard that nurtures bees and supports biodiversity by Frey, Kate from our collection. Request a copy today!
All Ages
Tour de Fleece on July 9
Each summer cyclists gather to conquer the Tour de France, a three week adventure of dedication, challenges and achieving personal and team goals. Another group of spinners gather in person and in online forums to do the same, but these wheels don’t power bicycles. For the over 7,400 participants of last year’s Tour de Fleece, the spinning wheels are for making yarn!
Members of the Washington Spinners and Weavers Guild will be bringing a little part of the Tour de Fleece to the Peters Township Public Library on Saturday, July 9 from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. You will have a chance to see several types of spinning wheels in action and watch the process of turning fiber to yarn. Using the library’s MakerSpace, the group will combine old technology with new by using the a 3-D printer to create an hand-spinning tool called a drop spindle.
No registration is necessary. For more information, contact the Washington Spinners and Weavers Guild at wswguild@gmail.com.